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Packaging food labels in the future there will be any changes?
Packaging food labels in the future there will be any changes?

Packaging food labels in the future there will be any changes?

Release time:
2018-02-09 02:57
In recent years, with the continual emergence of emergencies in food safety, people's attention to food labels continues to rise, and consumers often complain about mistakes in information labeling on
Demand led to the development of disposable plastic food packaging
Demand led to the development of disposable plastic food packaging

Demand led to the development of disposable plastic food packaging

Release time:
2017-12-20 11:46
As we all know, disposable plastic packaging containers in the food field has a wide range of applications, its light, hygienic, low cost, so by businesses and consumers of all ages. Currently disposa
The future of eight major aspects of paper packaging materials development
The future of eight major aspects of paper packaging materials development

The future of eight major aspects of paper packaging materials development

Release time:
2017-12-20 11:44
Paper, plastic, metal, glass, four pillars of packaging materials, paper products, the fastest growing, the cheapest price of paper, can be recycled or used as fertilizer plants, but also purify the..
Global pre-coated film industry presents two trends
Global pre-coated film industry presents two trends

Global pre-coated film industry presents two trends

Release time:
2017-12-20 11:47
Pre-coated film was born about 1989, first in Europe and the United States was widely used until 1996 before entering Asia. At the same time, the European and American countries that previously ...